So I have a gRPC server written in Rust using the Tonic crate. I have all the proto files written and I can make requests using a Tonic based client and grpcurl so there are no issues on the server side.
I have a Unity 3D based game which I want to use as a client. Unity uses C#/.NET/Mono so in theory it should be easy to get a gRPC client working. It turns out it isn't so easy.
According to the internet (in particular we should be using the Grpc.Net.Client package. So I dropped that in to Unity using the very useful NuGetForUnity tool.
I got the following error which at least was very informative
PlatformNotSupportedException: gRPC requires extra configuration on .NET implementations that don't support gRPC over HTTP/2. An HTTP provider must be specified using GrpcChannelOptions.HttpHandler.The configured HTTP provider must either support HTTP/2 or be configured to use gRPC-Web. See for details.
After some Googling I came across the following links which make it clear that Unity/Xamarin and others don't support Grpc.Net.Client.
In summary:
.NET implementations that don't support HTTP/2, such as UWP, Xamarin, and Unity, can use gRPC-Web as an alternative.
That sounded straight forward so I imported Grpc.Net.Client.Web and hooked it up as suggested in the article.
At least the request went through this time, but the gRPC server started causing a “Connection reset by peer” error.
Breaking out tcpdump, I realised that gRPC web makes HTTP 1.x requests which Tonic does not like.
I found the 'accept_http1' config option in Tonic which has the following description and set to to "true".
Accepting http1 requests is only useful when developing grpc-web enabled services. If this setting is set to true but services are not correctly configured to handle grpc-web requests, your server may return confusing (but correct) protocol errors.
After doing that, the server would at least accept the connection, but I started getting an error:
(StatusCode="Cancelled", Detail="No grpc-status found on response.")
I saw this issue but it didn't help at all.
Seems like Tonic doesn't like the Grpc.Net.Client.Web implementation of gRPC-web or just doesn't support it properly.
I then spent ages trying to force gRPC-Web to use HTTP/2 by using TLS (which I’m not sure even made sense) but I couldn’t get the TLS handshake to work with the Tonic server. I kept getting the vague message:
TlsException: Handshake failed - error code: UNITYTLS_INTERNAL_ERROR, verify result: (some large number)
I’m pretty sure it is because Tonic was expecting TLS 1.3 and the version of Mono that Unity uses has a maximum TLS version of 1.2 (and even that was only supported recently). I couldn’t work out how to configure Tonic/Rustls to accept a lower version of TLS.
I also realised after reading the documentation more thoroughly that I would lose a lot of good gRPC features such as streaming if I used gRPC-web so I decided to avoid that method.
Does anyone know of a way to plug in a custom HTTP client into the gRPC library that does all the stuff that Unity doesn't (e.g. HTTP/2 and TLS 1.3)? If not does anyone know of a workaround that will let me at least get the RPC working correctly?
with version 2.40. Would love to get real HTTP2 support, of course, but it's "years away" from shipping with Unity. – Superheterodyne