I have a class that unmarshals xml from a 3rd party source (I have no control over the content). Here is the snippet that unmarshals:
JAXBContext jContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.optimumlightpath.it.aspenoss.xsd");
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jContext.createUnmarshaller() ;
StringReader xmlStr = new StringReader(str.value);
Connections conns = (Connections) unmarshaller.unmarshal(xmlStr);
is a class generated dtd->xsd->class using xjc. The package com.optimumlightpath.it.aspenoss.xsd
contains all such classes.
The xml I recieve contains a relative path in the DOCTYPE. Basically str.value
above contains:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE Connections SYSTEM "./dtd/Connections.dtd">
This runs successfully as a java 1.5 application. In order to avoid the error above, I had to create a ./dtd directory off the project root and include all the dtd files (not sure why I had to do this but we'll get to that).
I've since created a web service on Tomcat5.5 that uses the above class. I am getting [org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Relative URI "./dtd/Connections.dtd"; can not be resolved without a document URI.]
on the unmarshal line. I have tried creating ./dtd in every relavant folder (project root, WebContent, WEB-INF, tomcat working dir, etc) to no avail.
Question #1: Where can I locate ./dtd so that the class can find it when run as a tomcat webservice? Is there any tomcat or service config I need to do in order to get the directory recognized?
Question #2: Why does the class even need the dtd file in the first place? Doesn't it have all the information it needs to unmarshal in the annotations of the dtd->xsd->class? I've read many posts about disabling validation, setting EntityResource, and other solutions, but this class isn't always deployed as a web-service and I don't want to have two code trains.