I have a rails 4 app where I am using devise for authentication and it works perfectly. My only problem is that it loses the session of a user after I deploy it on the server and the users have to sign in again.
If I just do a restart of nginx/passenger (which I am using for my app) it doesn't loses it. When I am deploying my app I am losing it. For deploying I am also wipe out all the database automatically and my deployment script runs the seeds file which it also generates the users.
We are currently developing the app so this kind of behavior is acceptable for now, but in the future when the app will be ready, we won't do it like this way (of course!).
So is this an issue due to the reseeding or I should check something else? I see that the encrypted password changes everytime I run the wipe out/seed action, does this have to do with the losing of user session?