I had the same issue and was not satisfied with any of the answers so far since none of them guaranteed unique IDs.
I too wanted to print object IDs for debugging purposed. I knew there must be some way to do it, because in the Eclipse debugger, it specifies unique IDs for each object.
I came up with a solution based on the fact that the "==" operator for objects only returns true if the two objects are actually the same instance.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Utility for assigning a unique ID to objects and fetching objects given
* a specified ID
public class ObjectIDBank {
/**Singleton instance*/
private static ObjectIDBank instance;
/**Counting value to ensure unique incrementing IDs*/
private long nextId = 1;
/** Map from ObjectEntry to the objects corresponding ID*/
private Map<ObjectEntry, Long> ids = new HashMap<ObjectEntry, Long>();
/** Map from assigned IDs to their corresponding objects */
private Map<Long, Object> objects = new HashMap<Long, Object>();
/**Private constructor to ensure it is only instantiated by the singleton pattern*/
private ObjectIDBank(){}
/**Fetches the singleton instance of ObjectIDBank */
public static ObjectIDBank instance() {
if(instance == null)
instance = new ObjectIDBank();
return instance;
/** Fetches a unique ID for the specified object. If this method is called multiple
* times with the same object, it is guaranteed to return the same value. It is also guaranteed
* to never return the same value for different object instances (until we run out of IDs that can
* be represented by a long of course)
* @param obj The object instance for which we want to fetch an ID
* @return Non zero unique ID or 0 if obj == null
public long getId(Object obj) {
if(obj == null)
return 0;
ObjectEntry objEntry = new ObjectEntry(obj);
if(!ids.containsKey(objEntry)) {
ids.put(objEntry, nextId);
objects.put(nextId++, obj);
return ids.get(objEntry);
* Fetches the object that has been assigned the specified ID, or null if no object is
* assigned the given id
* @param id Id of the object
* @return The corresponding object or null
public Object getObject(long id) {
return objects.get(id);
* Wrapper around an Object used as the key for the ids map. The wrapper is needed to
* ensure that the equals method only returns true if the two objects are the same instance
* and to ensure that the hash code is always the same for the same instance.
private class ObjectEntry {
private Object obj;
/** Instantiates an ObjectEntry wrapper around the specified object*/
public ObjectEntry(Object obj) {
this.obj = obj;
/** Returns true if and only if the objects contained in this wrapper and the other
* wrapper are the exact same object (same instance, not just equivalent)*/
public boolean equals(Object other) {
return obj == ((ObjectEntry)other).obj;
* Returns the contained object's identityHashCode. Note that identityHashCode values
* are not guaranteed to be unique from object to object, but the hash code is guaranteed to
* not change over time for a given instance of an Object.
public int hashCode() {
return System.identityHashCode(obj);
I believe that this should ensure unique IDs throughout the lifetime of the program. Note, however, that you probably don't want to use this in a production application because it maintains references to all of the objects for which you generate IDs. This means that any objects for which you create an ID will never be garbage collected.
Since I'm using this for debug purposes, I'm not too concerned with the memory being freed.
You could modify this to allow clearing Objects or removing individual objects if freeing memory is a concern.
static AtomicInteger()
– PadishahObject
instance itself? It's basically a unique pointer to anything that inherits from an object. – Crossrefer