I have a problem which I feel would be perfect for streams and/or lambdas. On the other hand I don't want to overcomplicate this, but since will use this specific technique in many variations (run function on a sublist), I would like some ideas about how to get it right from the beginning.
I have a List<Product> productList
I want to be able to iterate over all sublists in productList
. For example all sublists with size=30. This sublist should then be used as an argument to a function.
This is my current, naive, solution:
List<Product> products=...
// This example uses sublists of size 30
for (int i = 0; i < products.size() - 29; i++) {
// sublist start index is inclusive, but end index is exclusive
List<Product> sublist = products.subList(i, i + 30);
Double res = calc(sublist);
// an example of a function would be moving average
How would this be implemented using lambdas?
EDIT I tried to come up with the simplest possible example to illustrate the problem. After some comments, I realized that a perfect example is calculating a moving average. First MAVG is calculated on sublist [0..29], second on [1..30], third on [2..31] and so on.