So I am using NodeJs (with pug as its view engine). My intention is to create a table where an each loop on my pug code adds the data from the data.json file in rows on a table.
First let me show you my NodeJs code; I have the following on the app.js file (which is my primary entry point to my program)
var express = require('express');
var pple = require('data.json');
var app = express();
app.set('view engine', 'pug');
// Get the homepage
router.get('/', (req, res, next)=>{
res.render('index', {pple:pple});
app.listen(4000, ()=>{
console.log('Listening to port 4000');
Secondly, I have the following pug code on my index.pug file:
doctype html
th Name
th Position
th Address
th Phone
each n in pple
td= n.position
td= n.address
and this gives me the following result: The table I get when I enter the code above
However, here is how my data.json file looks like:
"name": "Person1",
"position": "Software Eng",
"address": "Nairobi",
"phone": "0712121212",
"foods": {
"likes": ["fish", "chips"],
"dislikes": ["pork"]
"name": "Person2",
"position": "Web Dev",
"address": "Mombasa",
"phone": "0711223344",
"foods": {
"likes": ["checken", "eggs"],
"dislikes": ["bread"]
"name": "Person3",
"position": "Marketer",
"address": "Nakuru",
"phone": "0711121314",
"foods": {
"likes": ["peas", "beans"],
"dislikes": ["weed"]
and I would like to add extra columns stating the foods they like and dislike. As you can see, the foods they like are in two, hence I would like it to display fish and chips for person 1, chicken and eggs for person 2, and peas and beans for person 3; all these on a Likes column.
Please help me learn how to add all these in a Likes and Dislikes column. Thank you.