I am trying to create a Stored Procedure in PostgreSQL. The function works when I use float
, but when I try to change the float
s to numeric
I get an error:
ERROR: cannot change return type of existing function
SQL state: 42P13
Detail: Row type defined by OUT parameters is different.
Hint: Use DROP FUNCTION percent_grades(text) first.
I don't really know what that means, but I don't think that I'd need to do anything other than CAST
to change the type
My function is:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION percent_grades(text)
RETURNS TABLE(grade text, percent float)
DECLARE percent_total float;
SELECT psa_grade_name,
SUM(psa_amount) / CAST(total_cards($1) AS float) AS percent_total
FROM psa_pop_view
WHERE psa_card = $1
GROUP BY psa_grade_name
ORDER BY psa_grade_name;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
I want to replace the float
s with numeric(5, 4)