I have a nodejs API as server and React/Redux app as client located in one git project: https://github.com/lafisrap/fcc_nightlife.git
I want to deploy it on Heroku using the heroku cli.
The scripts section in package.json is:
"scripts": {
"start-dev": "concurrently \"yarn run server\" \"yarn run client\"",
"start": "yarn run server | yarn run client",
"server": "babel-node server.js",
"client": "node start-client.js",
"lint": "eslint ."
const args = [ 'start' ];
const opts = { stdio: 'inherit', cwd: 'client', shell: true };
require('child_process').spawn('yarn', args, opts);
In the client folder I have another package.json which defines the client. The scripts section of it:
"scripts": {
"start": "react-scripts start",
I did:
heroku create
git push heroku master
The api is running fine. But I don't know how to start/access the client.