I ran redis using Docker like so:
docker run --rm -p '6379:6379' -v "$redis_data_dir:/data" --name my_redis_server -d redis redis-server --appendonly 'yes'
in the past this worked fine, but now I get this error:
{ ReplyError: ERR DB index is out of range at parseError (/root/interos/repos/ntrs-cli/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:179:12) at parseType (/root/interos/repos/ntrs-cli/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:302:14)
command: { name: 'select', args: [ '20127' ] } }
It looks like it's trying to connect to db 20127
, I am certain it's one of these four:
const client_db0 = new Redis(`redis://${conf["platform-build.public-dns"]}:6379/0`);
const client_db1 = new Redis(`redis://${conf["platform-build.public-dns"]}:6379/1`);
const client_db2 = new Redis(`redis://${conf["platform-build.public-dns"]}:6379/2`);
const client_db3 = new Redis(`redis://${conf["platform-build.public-dns"]}:6379/3`);
so is there some way to start redis up and tell it to add more databases? something like:
docker run .... redis redis-server --appendonly 'yes' --db-count=16