I've tried to get all subnet ids to add aws batch with terraform with following code:
data "aws_subnet_ids" "test_subnet_ids" {
vpc_id = "default"
data "aws_subnet" "test_subnet" {
count = "${length(data.aws_subnet_ids.test_subnet_ids.ids)}"
id = "${tolist(data.aws_subnet_ids.test_subnet_ids.ids)[count.index]}"
output "subnet_cidr_blocks" {
value = ["${data.aws_subnet.test_subnet.*.id}"]
Fortunately, it was working fine when I've tested like that. But when I tried to integrate with batch terraform like:
resource "aws_batch_compute_environment" "test-qr-processor" {
compute_environment_name = "test-qr-processor-test"
compute_resources {
instance_role = "${aws_iam_instance_profile.test-ec2-role.arn}"
instance_type = [
max_vcpus = 256
min_vcpus = 0
security_group_ids = [
subnets = ["${data.aws_subnet.test_subnet.*.id}"]
type = "EC2"
service_role = "${aws_iam_role.test-batch-service-role.arn}"
type = "MANAGED"
depends_on = [ "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.test-batch-service-role" ]
I've encountered following error message,
Error: Incorrect attribute value type
on terraform.tf line 142, in resource "aws_batch_compute_environment" "test-processor": 142: subnets = ["${data.aws_subnet.test_subnet.*.id}"]
Inappropriate value for attribute "subnets": element 0: string required.
Please let me know why, thanks.