I' writing a control library. In this library there are some custom panels which are populated with user UIElements. Since every child element in my lib must have a "Title" property, I wrote the following:
// Attached properties common to every UIElement
public static class MyLibCommonProperties
public static readonly DependencyProperty TitleProperty =
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
"NoTitle", new PropertyChangedCallback(OnTitleChanged))
public static string GetTitle( UIElement _target )
return (string)_target.GetValue( TitleProperty );
public static void SetTitle( UIElement _target, string _value )
_target.SetValue( TitleProperty, _value );
private static void OnTitleChanged( DependencyObject _d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs _e )
Then, if I write this:
<Label dl:MyLibCommonProperties.Title="CustomTitle">1</Label>
everything works fine and the property gets the specified value, but if I try to bind that property to some other UIElement DependencyProperty like this:
<Label dl:MyLibCommonProperties.Title="{Binding ElementName=NamedLabel, Path=Name}">1</Label>
<Label Name="NamedLabel">3</Label>
an exception would be thrown: "A 'Binding' cannot be set on the 'SetTitle' property of type 'Label'. A 'Binding' can only be set on a DependencyProperty of a DependencyObject."
What am I missing? Binding seems to work fine if instead of binding to "Name" I bind to some other attached property defined in MyLibCommonProperties.
Thanks in advance.
? Have you tried it in aStackPanel
or similar built-in control instead? Everything else seems fine. I can only assumeHorizontalShelf
is a custom control that does not recognize its children as logical children. See here: kentb.blogspot.com/2008/10/customizing-logical-children.html – Vadavaden