I'm testing out ILMerge for a new project, and although the .exe file seems to be created correctly, it won't run.
I have installed ILMerge via the .msi installer (found here http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/confirmation.aspx?id=17630) and am running on a test project using a batch file. Below is the batch file, and the subsequent output log after running. All appears ok in the logs, no errors reported. I am running .NET framework 4.0 for this test project.
When I try to run the .exe, it fails with a standard "This program has stopped working".
I have read that some people have issues running with .NET 4, but I think I've added in the correct arguments to handle this. I get the same result whether I add in the .NET 4 args or not.
Can anyone see why this may be? Thanks in advance.
Batch file
REM Clear directory first
CD C:\WORKING\DIR\TestILMerge\TestILMerge\bin\Debug\CombinedDLL
DEL . /s/q
REM Change dir to iLMerge install (installed via msi installer)
REM Installer Download: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/confirmation.aspx?id=17630
CD C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\ILMerge\
REM Combine assemblies with logging
ilmerge.exe /lib:"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319" /lib:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies" /t:exe /log:C:\WORKING\DIR\TestILMerge\TestILMerge\bin\Debug\CombinedDLL\MergeLog.txt /target:winexe /targetplatform:v4,C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 /out:C:\WORKING\DIR\TestILMerge\TestILMerge\bin\Debug\CombinedDLL\CombinedDLL.exe C:\WORKING\DIR\TestILMerge\TestILMerge\bin\Debug\TestILMerge.exe C:\WORKING\DIR\TestILMerge\TestDLL2\bin\Debug\TestDLL2.dll C:\WORKING\DIR\TestILMerge\TestDLL3\bin\Debug\TestDLL3.dll
Log output:
ILMerge version 2.11.1103.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2004-2006. All rights reserved.
ILMerge /lib:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 /lib:C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies /t:exe /log:C:\WORKING\DIR\TestILMerge\TestILMerge\bin\Debug\CombinedDLL\MergeLog.txt /target:winexe /targetplatform:v4,C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 /out:C:\WORKING\DIR\TestILMerge\TestILMerge\bin\Debug\CombinedDLL\CombinedDLL.exe C:\WORKING\DIR\TestILMerge\TestILMerge\bin\Debug\TestILMerge.exe C:\WORKING\DIR\TestILMerge\TestDLL2\bin\Debug\TestDLL2.dll C:\WORKING\DIR\TestILMerge\TestDLL3\bin\Debug\TestDLL3.dll
Set platform to 'v4', using directory 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319' for mscorlib.dll
Running on Microsoft (R) .NET Framework v2.0.50727
mscorlib.dll version =
The list of input assemblies is:
Trying to read assembly from the file 'C:\WORKING\DIR\TestILMerge\TestILMerge\bin\Debug\TestILMerge.exe'.
Successfully read in assembly.
There were no errors reported in TestILMerge's metadata.
Trying to read assembly from the file 'C:\WORKING\DIR\TestILMerge\TestDLL2\bin\Debug\TestDLL2.dll'.
Successfully read in assembly.
There were no errors reported in TestDLL2's metadata.
Trying to read assembly from the file 'C:\WORKING\DIR\TestILMerge\TestDLL3\bin\Debug\TestDLL3.dll'.
Successfully read in assembly.
There were no errors reported in TestDLL3's metadata.
Checking to see that all of the input assemblies have a compatible PeKind.
TestILMerge.PeKind = ILonly, Requires32bits
TestDLL2.PeKind = ILonly
TestDLL3.PeKind = ILonly
All input assemblies have a compatible PeKind value.
Using assembly 'TestILMerge' for assembly-level attributes for the target assembly.
Merging assembly 'TestILMerge' into target assembly.
Merging assembly 'TestDLL2' into target assembly.
Merging assembly 'TestDLL3' into target assembly.
Copying 2 Win32 Resources from assembly 'TestILMerge' into target assembly.
Transferring entry point 'TestILMerge.Program.Main(System.String[])' from assembly 'TestILMerge' to assembly 'CombinedDLL'.
There were no errors reported in the target assembly's metadata.
ILMerge: Writing target assembly 'C:\WORKING\DIR\TestILMerge\TestILMerge\bin\Debug\CombinedDLL\CombinedDLL.exe'.
Location for referenced assembly 'mscorlib' is 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorlib.dll'
There were no errors reported in mscorlib's metadata.
ILMerge: Done.
UPDATE: Here is the dissassembly - looks as I would expect it to
I have found that the component works if I reference from another project and use as an assembly, but not a standalone executable.