Access is truncating the data in a couple Memo fields when I am appending an Excel file. The field in the Access table is already set as a Memo type. I believe the problem is that I do not have any entries in the first few rows of some of the memo fields. Access is assuming the data is a text field, even though I have already set it as a Memo type.
I have tried appending as a CSV. Did not work.
I have put dummy data in the first row that exceeds the 255 character limit and the data is not truncated if I do that.
I do not want to have to put dummy data in every time I have to import an Excel file. This is a process that will be completed at least biweekly, maybe more frequent. I would like to set up an easy way to import the data for future employees that work with the same database. Any ideas?
Update: Even with dummy data in the first couple of rows, Access is truncating the data for 3 out of the 10 Memo feilds when I import the Excel file (Character length of dummy data is 785). Now I am really at a loss for ideas.