I'm trying to build a NuGet package that adds our company's code analysis dictionary automatically and updatable.
The rule set is added in the content folder and now I want to use the install.ps1 script to add the rule set in the project file.
I figured out the way to go would be to use the envDTE, but I can't find much useful documentation about it other then this overwhelming object graph in which I can't find the CodeAnalysisRuleset node.
Am I pursuing the right path?
Is there any relevant tutorial/documentation on how to use the envDTE in NuGet powershell?
How can I run/debug my install script without having to actually add it to a package and install it against a project?
Although @Nicole Calinoiu showed the better way, this morsel of information might come in handy later on:
foreach ($config in $project.ConfigurationManager){
$config.Properties.Item("CodeAnalysisRuleSet").Value = "myruleset.ruleset"