Trying to join 2 tables with an OR condition like this:
FULL JOIN table1
ON (replace(split_part(table1.contract_award_number::text, ' '::text, 2), '-'::text, ''::text)) = table2.contract_award_id
OR (btrim(replace(table1.solicitation_number::text, '-'::text, ''::text))) = table2.solicitation_id
But Postgresql is barking at me with:
FULL JOIN is only supported with merge-joinable or hash-joinable join conditions
What gives? For some reason if I add the condition:
WHERE table1.solicitation_number::text ~~ '%%'::text
the error doesn't occur, but I suspect this is fouling up the FULL JOIN result.
Thanks for any help.
table actually uses direct single columns for the join logic. – Proprietor