Here is a workaround that doesn't use JavaScript.
The problem as I see it, the paging links do not receive any route information that must be preserved, like a search filter. IMO this is a blatant oversight! A little extra thought here would have saved lots of headache!
This technique "throws away" the WebGrid's built-in paging, and uses a Helper to generate the paging links, along with the precious route data we want.
Once completed, you simply render the WebGrid as the grid only, and use the Helper to make the paging links. One advantage here is you can put those at the top and bottom, which we like to do.
I attempted to use similar CSS to what is provided in the Pager.css that NuGet puts into your solution. The helper should be complete enough for some of you, but it is easily extended.
New New New I just updated the helper with an Ajax version. I am a little n00b with Razor helpers, so i couldn't figure out how to re-factor it to use a common template; anyone please? The important extra detail there is to pass in the AjaxOptions
and make sure to use POST
as the verb, otherwise you may not end up in the correct controller method.
Helper (App_Code/LocalHelpers.cshtml):
@helper DoPager(System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper hh, string pageActionName, WebGrid grid, int maxPageLinks, object rvd) {
<div class="pager">
<div class="pageof">Page <b>@(grid.PageIndex + 1)</b> of <b>@grid.PageCount</b></div>
@if (grid.PageCount > 1) {
@{ RouteValueDictionary rvdp1 = new RouteValueDictionary(rvd);
rvdp1.Add("Page", 1);
@hh.ActionLink("<<", pageActionName, rvdp1)
@{ int start = Math.Max(0, grid.PageIndex - maxPageLinks / 2); }
@for (int ix = 0; ix + start < grid.PageCount; ix++) {
int pageno = start + ix + 1;
var css = hh.Raw(pageno - 1 == grid.PageIndex ? " class=\"highlighted\"" : "");
RouteValueDictionary rvdp = new RouteValueDictionary(rvd);
rvdp.Add("Page", pageno);
@hh.ActionLink(pageno.ToString(), pageActionName, rvdp)
if (ix >= maxPageLinks) { break; }
@{ RouteValueDictionary rvdpX = new RouteValueDictionary(rvd);
rvdpX.Add("Page", grid.PageCount);
@hh.ActionLink(">>", pageActionName, rvdpX)
@helper DoAjaxPager(System.Web.Mvc.AjaxHelper aa, System.Web.Mvc.Ajax.AjaxOptions aopts, System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper hh, string pageActionName, WebGrid grid, int maxPageLinks, object rvd) {
<div class="pager">
<div class="pageof">Page <b>@(grid.PageIndex + 1)</b> of <b>@grid.PageCount</b></div>
@if (grid.PageCount > 1) {
@{ RouteValueDictionary rvdp1 = new RouteValueDictionary(rvd);
rvdp1.Add("Page", 1);
@aa.ActionLink("<<", pageActionName, rvdp1, aopts)
@{ int start = Math.Max(0, grid.PageIndex - maxPageLinks / 2); }
@for (int ix = 0; ix + start < grid.PageCount; ix++) {
int pageno = start + ix + 1;
var css = hh.Raw(pageno - 1 == grid.PageIndex ? " class=\"highlighted\"" : "");
RouteValueDictionary rvdp = new RouteValueDictionary(rvd);
rvdp.Add("Page", pageno);
@aa.ActionLink(pageno.ToString(), pageActionName, rvdp, aopts)
if (ix >= maxPageLinks) { break; }
@{ RouteValueDictionary rvdpX = new RouteValueDictionary(rvd);
rvdpX.Add("Page", grid.PageCount);
@aa.ActionLink(">>", pageActionName, rvdpX, aopts)
@LocalHelpers.DoPager(Html, "Index", grid, 10, new { CurrentFilter = ViewBag.CurrentFilter })
tableStyle: "centerit",
columns: grid.Columns(
grid.Column(format: @<span>@Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id = item.ID }) | @Html.ActionLink("Details", "Details", new { id = item.ID }) | @Html.ActionLink("Delete", "Delete", new { id = item.ID })</span>),
grid.Column("PartNumber", "Part Number"),
grid.Column("Description", "Description"),
grid.Column("Regex", "Regex")
@LocalHelpers.DoPager(Html, "Index", grid, 10, new { CurrentFilter = ViewBag.CurrentFilter })
In my view, I am recycling the "CurrentFilter" to know what to filter on. This connects to the Controller Action (not pictured).