- You can't; this is a bug that's been open since 2008.
- The fix was finalized in April 2023; it has not been merged as of CPython 3.8.19, 3.11.9, or 3.12.5.
- Enjoy the bug-free, thread-safe, busy-polling-free future, today:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- filename: tkinter_iss47655_polyfill.py -*-
__all__ = ['check_for_bug', 'patch_bug', 'auto_patch_bug']
import logging
import os
import platform
import sys
import threading
import tkinter
FIXED_IN_CPYTHON_VERSION = (4,) # FIXME update this when they actually fix it
# https://tkdocs.com/tutorial/eventloop.html
# "If you need to communicate from another thread to the thread running
# Tkinter, keep it as simple as possible. Use event_generate to post a
# virtual event to the Tkinter event queue, and then bind to that event
# in your code."
def auto_patch_bug(module=tkinter):
# NOTE: check_for_bug and auto_patch_bug MUST be called from the
# main thread because the tkinter module refuses to allow mainloop
# on another thread.
if platform.python_implementation() == 'CPython':
if sys.version_info >= FIXED_IN_CPYTHON_VERSION:
logging.debug("No need to polyfill tkinter issue 47655 on this Python runtime.")
elif sys.version_info >= (3, 8): # FIXME figure out what the actual lower bound this changeset applies seamlessly on is
needs_patch = check_for_bug(module)
except Exception:
raise Exception("internal error checking for bug")
if needs_patch:
assert not check_for_bug(module), "Patch failed to apply!"
logging.debug("No need to polyfill tkinter issue 47655 on this Python runtime.")
raise Exception(f"patch not available on old CPython version {platform.python_version()}")
# FIXME support other Python implementations
raise Exception(f"patch not available yet on {platform.python_implementation()}")
def check_for_bug(module=tkinter):
data = os.urandom(12).hex() # NOTE: the associated data is coerced to str!
root = module.Tk()
result = None
def handle_ev(event):
if hasattr(event, 'user_data'):
nonlocal result
result = event.user_data
root.bind('<<test>>', handle_ev)
t = threading.Thread(target=root.event_generate, args=('<<test>>',), kwargs={'data': data})
if result is None:
# event never arrived, or was missing the .user_data property
return True
if result != data:
# event arrived, had the .user_data property, but that property had an unexpected value
raise RuntimeError(f"Could not validate presence of CPython Bug #47655; unexpected data arrived. (Expected {data}, got {result})")
# event arrived, had the .user_data property, and that data was valid
return False
def patch_bug(module=tkinter):
def _substitute(self, *args):
if len(args) != len(self._subst_format): return args
getboolean = self.tk.getboolean
getint = self.tk.getint
def getint_event(s):
"""Tk changed behavior in 8.4.2, returning "??" rather more often."""
return getint(s)
except (ValueError, module.TclError):
return s
nsign, b, d, f, h, k, s, t, w, x, y, A, E, K, N, W, T, X, Y, D = args
# Missing: (a, c, m, o, v, B, R)
e = module.Event()
# serial field: valid for all events
# number of button: ButtonPress and ButtonRelease events only
# detail: for Enter, Leave, FocusIn, FocusOut and ConfigureRequest
# events certain fixed strings (see tcl/tk documentation)
# user_data: data string from a virtual event or an empty string
# height field: Configure, ConfigureRequest, Create,
# ResizeRequest, and Expose events only
# keycode field: KeyPress and KeyRelease events only
# time field: "valid for events that contain a time field"
# width field: Configure, ConfigureRequest, Create, ResizeRequest,
# and Expose events only
# x field: "valid for events that contain an x field"
# y field: "valid for events that contain a y field"
# keysym as decimal: KeyPress and KeyRelease events only
# x_root, y_root fields: ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, KeyPress,
# KeyRelease, and Motion events
e.serial = getint(nsign)
e.num = getint_event(b)
e.user_data = d
e.detail = d
try: e.focus = getboolean(f)
except module.TclError: pass
e.height = getint_event(h)
e.keycode = getint_event(k)
e.state = getint_event(s)
e.time = getint_event(t)
e.width = getint_event(w)
e.x = getint_event(x)
e.y = getint_event(y)
e.char = A
try: e.send_event = getboolean(E)
except module.TclError: pass
e.keysym = K
e.keysym_num = getint_event(N)
e.type = module.EventType(T)
except ValueError:
e.type = T
e.widget = self._nametowidget(W)
except KeyError:
e.widget = W
e.x_root = getint_event(X)
e.y_root = getint_event(Y)
e.delta = getint(D)
except (ValueError, module.TclError):
e.delta = 0
return (e,)
_subst_format = ('%#', '%b', '%d', '%f', '%h', '%k',
'%s', '%t', '%w', '%x', '%y',
'%A', '%E', '%K', '%N', '%W', '%T', '%X', '%Y', '%D')
_subst_format_str = " ".join(_subst_format)
# FIXME this seems less elegant than just assigning module.Misc,
# but I can't figure out how to make such an assignment propagate
# "retroactively" to all the subclasses like Tk and the widgets
module.Misc._substitute = _substitute
module.Misc._subst_format = _subst_format
module.Misc._subst_format_str = _subst_format_str
logging.debug(f"Patched {module.__name__}.Misc to fix CPython Bug #47655.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
Note that tkinter only supports sending str
objects as associated data; if you want to send arbitrary Python objects, that's not too hard; just send the id of the object you want to attach to your event, instead:
__all__ = ['receive_object', 'post_object']
import logging
import platform
import threading
import tkinter
# on main thread
from tkinter_iss47655_polyfill import auto_patch_bug
def handle(event):
foo = receive_object(event)
root.bind('<<arbitrary_name>>', handle)
# on worker thread
foo = object() # could be literally any object
post_object(root, '<<arbitrary_name>>', foo)
INFLIGHT_OBJECTS = dict() # NOTE: don't try to use a WeakDict here; they support so few datatypes the juice isn't worth the squeeze
INFLIGHT_OBJECTS_LOCK = threading.Lock()
def receive_object(event):
if not hasattr(event, 'user_data'):
if platform.python_implementation() == 'CPython' and '%d' not in event.widget._subst_format:
raise RuntimeError("Can't recieve data due to CPython Bug #47655. Patch this before using receive_object().")
raise ValueError("No data found on this event.")
obj_id = int(event.user_data)
result = INFLIGHT_OBJECTS.pop(obj_id)
return result
def post_object(widget, sequence, obj, **k):
obj_id = id(obj)
INFLIGHT_OBJECTS[obj_id] = obj
widget.event_generate(sequence, data=obj_id, **k)
widget.after(1000, _sanity_check(widget, obj_id, obj.__class__.__name__))
def _sanity_check(widget, obj_id, obj_type):
def callback():
problem = (obj_id in INFLIGHT_OBJECTS)
if problem:
logging.warning("Object %s has been inflight to %s for over a second! Is there a memory leak, or is the system just slow?", f"#{obj_id}/{obj_type}", repr(widget))
widget.after(29000, _last_resort(widget, obj_id, obj_type))
return callback
def _last_resort(widget, obj_id, obj_type):
def callback():
except KeyError:
logging.error("Object %s was inflight to %s for over 30 seconds! Aborted that inflight object as a last resort to stop leaking memory.", f"#{obj_id}/{obj_type}", repr(widget))
return callback