I have a list of Contact
objects, from which, I just want a subset of attributes. So I used LINQ projection to create an anonymous list and I passed that to a partial view. But when I use that list in partial view, compiler says that it doesn't have those attributes. I tried the simplest case as follow, but still I have no chance to use an anonymous object or list in a partial view.
var model = new { FirstName = "Saeed", LastName = "Neamati" };
return PartialView(model);
And inside partial view, I have:
<h1>Your name is @Model.FirstName @Model.LastName<h1>
But it says that @Model doesn't have FirstName and LastName properties. What's wrong here? When I use @Model, this string would render in browser:
{ Title = "Saeed" }
@model dynamic
– Repeat