I have a Delphi 6 application that, like most Windows applications, reads/writes data to the user's "local application data" folder. I use the code below to determine that folder. Up until now, that code worked for most of my users. I have encountered a user whose local application data is not in the expected folder:
Usually the local app data folder resolves to:
C:\Documents and Settings\Bob\Application Data\
What is odd about this user's particular situation is that several registry keys normally found in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE are actually located in HKEY_CURRENT_USER. They are running on Windows 7.
For lack of a better word, is there a way to get the "true" application data for a user so I can navigate this situation better? If it's a matter of intelligently choosing between the CSIDL_APPDATA, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA and CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA special folders, what is the logic for doing so? As you can tell I'm looking for an all-purpose function that can root out the correct application data folder regardless of the version of Windows the user is running or their specific PC configuration.
I found this Stack Overflow post that seems to have the answer but it is using function from the .NET library and I am using Delphi 6. If this solution answers my question, can someone tell me a quick way to replicate it in Delphi:
How can i get the path of the current user's "Application Data" folder?
// Function to get the app data special folder.
function GetAppdataFolder: string;
Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_APPDATA);