I'm having trouble doing something that I think should be relatively simple drupal 8 views.
I have a content type called Countries. I would like to display the 3 latest country nodes on my homepage in a views block. Each country is displayed with the class "views-row" on the container div. I am using views--view--unformatted--countries--block_1.tpl to template the output.
I would like to output something like the following markup:
<a class="view-row-1" href="/link/to/node">
<img src="source-of-teaser-image.png">
<h3>Title of node</h3>
<a class="view-row-2" href="/link/to/node">
<img src="source-of-teaser-image.png">
<h3>Title of node</h3>
<a class="view-row-3" href="/link/to/node">
<img src="source-of-teaser-image.png">
<h3>Title of node</h3>
The problem I'm having is accessing individual fields in the template. If I use a view mode, I can access individual fields. If I select "show fields" in the view, I can add a field for "view result counter" and "path", which would allow me to add the "view-row-N" class and link the a tag to the node, but I can't get access to the fields individually. I have the {{row.content}} variable, but any attempt to dig further into the variable (eg row.content.field_name) gives me nothing and calling a {{dump(row.content)}} crashes the website.
I can't output this as a view mode for 2 reasons. I don't have access to the "view result counter" or "path" fields in a view mode and, even if I had these variables, some fields would be nested inside others (The image and title are nested inside the )
I feel this should really be as simple as
<a class="view-row-{{ row.content.view_result_counter }}" href="{{ row.content.path }}">
etc but I've tried everything I can think of. Am I completely on the wrong path? Twig and I are not getting along so far...
) / js) to be output in view results rows/fields - these are filtered out for "security reasons". But several folks have sensibly argued (in my mind) that only authorised admins would be able to administer views in the first place! See drupal.org/project/views/issues/853880 drupal.org/project/views/issues/417956 and drupal.org/forum/support/post-installation/2009-10-16/… Thanks again. – Thylacine