So great, the Angular has released version 6 and the CLI provides an option to generate libraries - something that they call a "highly anticipated feature".
Now, coming from a business perspective, I am wondering:
- why you would actually need this,
- why inside of an existing project and not a separate which you can install as usual via npm...
- and if you want this inside your project, why not use a module for that.
So I get it, publish something on npmjs and hope the whole world and future connected things need exactly that. Library, great.
Inside a big system in a even bigger company, we could reuse a library but we already were able to reuse stuff with a module. I need to build the lib separately and recompile every time I change something..
What are the reasons to use a library instead of a module?
(Currently I'd say that a lib can be even bigger than a module, so I would just use it to organize my application better)