Here is a small example that clarified a few things for me (I was struggling with this a bit too).
pBox is a PictureBox on Form1, make it at least 50x50
appPath was derived from System.Reflection but use any path you like
There are two buttons, one for drawing, one for saving, their click events are in the code below.
Things I learned:
(1) "pBox.Image =" doesn't do anything but initialize the pBox image, it DOES NOT have to be a filename as EVERY example I found used (had problem saving to that same file because it was share locked). Also, if your goal is to see things on the entire control's surface, you'll probably like setting the size at initialize time to the size you need. I used the pBox's size in this example but normally I use the bitmap size (because I typically begin with a real picture file).
(2) I always had problems either seeing my draws show up on the control or seeing my changes saved in the output file (or both). In my prior attempts I would duplicate the draws both on the control and on the bitmap. Of course that isn't necessary but the edited bitmap DOES need to be reloaded into the control.image... and THAT was the piece of this puzzle I was missing.
(A) Create a bitmap from the control.image and draw on the bitmap
(B) Load the bitmap into the control.Image (so you can see the changes caused by the draw)
(C) Save the control.Image
(2-option) You have a global (or passed) bitmap (probably from a real file)
(A) Draw on the bitmap
(B) Load the bitmap into the control.Image (so you can see the changes)
(C) Save the bitmap
public Form1()
pBox.Image = new Bitmap(pBox.Width, pBox.Height);
private void DrawStuff1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(pBox.Image);
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Red, 5, 5, 25, 25); //hard-coded size to reduce clutter
pBox.Image = bmp; //this makes your changes visible
private void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
pBox.Image.Save(appPath + "SavedImage.bmp");