I need to take a string, and shorten it to 140 characters.
Currently I am doing:
if len(tweet) > 140:
tweet = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", tweet) #normalize space
footer = "… " + utils.shorten_urls(post['url'])
avail = 140 - len(footer)
words = tweet.split()
result = ""
for word in words:
word += " "
if len(word) > avail:
result += word
avail -= len(word)
tweet = (result + footer).strip()
assert len(tweet) <= 140
So this works great for English, and English like strings, but fails for a Chinese string because tweet.split()
just returns one array:
>>> s = u"简讯:新華社報道,美國總統奧巴馬乘坐的「空軍一號」專機晚上10時42分進入上海空域,預計約30分鐘後抵達浦東國際機場,開展他上任後首次訪華之旅。"
>>> s
>>> s.split()
How should I do this so it handles I18N? Does this make sense in all languages?
I'm on python 2.5.4 if that matters.
, horizontal ellipsis. – Hakim