At our site, we currently use CVSNT running on Solaris as our source repository server. We use the ACL feature in CVSNT and depend upon TortoiseCVS being able to run the cvs ls
command, so we can't run a regular CVS server.
I've recently noticed that March Hare has retired the community version of CVSNT, and now charges $426 as a distribution fee for all downloads. (The commercial version is only $85 per person).
TortioseCVS comes with CVSNT, and I notice that this version of CVSNT has an annoying habit of displaying a dialog box asking you to upgrade to the supported version and will occasionally append a commercial for upgrading in the CVS commit comments.
At the same time, there seems to be a new open source package called EVS that March Hare seems to be pushing as an alternative to the formally open source CVS.
Exactly what is going on? Is EVS a replacement for CVSNT that TortoiseCVS can use? If we upgrade our CVS repository to use EVS, will users notice?
Can I continue to use CVSNT without paying the $426 distribution fee?
We'll probably be moving over to Subversion as soon as we get a few other issues under control, but I know plenty of shops that still use CVS, and I wonder if there are any licensing issues using Tortoise with CVSNT or continuing using CVSNT for handling the source repository.