This is what I did for Spring Boot.
Basically, append a new ignored jar file to the existing list of jars to ignore. This way, you don't totally disable the scanner, affecting who knows what else.
public class Config {
public ServletWebServerFactory servletContainer() {
return new TomcatServletWebServerFactory() {
protected void postProcessContext(Context context) {
// db2 puts a ref to pdq.jar in the manifest, and tomcat then tries to find it, but it doesn't exist.
// The jar isn't needed, so we just disable looking for it. You could also remove it from the manifest,
// but that prob needs to be done after the build process.
JarScanFilter jarScanFilter = context.getJarScanner().getJarScanFilter();
if (jarScanFilter instanceof StandardJarScanFilter) {
StandardJarScanFilter filter = (StandardJarScanFilter) jarScanFilter;
String oldTldSkip = filter.getTldSkip();
String newTldSkip = oldTldSkip == null || oldTldSkip.trim().isEmpty() ? "pdq.jar" : oldTldSkip + ",pdq.jar";
} else {
logger.warn("Unable to disable the tomcat jar scanner for pdq.jar. You may see a FileNotFound exception complaining of not finding a db2 pdq.jar file. You can probably ignore the error. Ref:");
files that need to be auto-discovered and you don't use any annotations? – Flagstad