Starting from Go v1.6 cgo changed the rules of passing pointers to the C code golang/go#12416. The example of invoking a dynamic Go callback from C code from the wiki doesn't work anymore.
package main
import (
extern void go_callback_int(void* foo, int p1);
// normally you will have to define function or variables
// in another separate C file to avoid the multiple definition
// errors, however, using "static inline" is a nice workaround
// for simple functions like this one.
static inline void CallMyFunction(void* pfoo) {
go_callback_int(pfoo, 5);
import "C"
//export go_callback_int
func go_callback_int(pfoo unsafe.Pointer, p1 {
foo := *(*func(
func MyCallback(x {
fmt.Println("callback with", x)
// we store it in a global variable so that the garbage collector
// doesn't clean up the memory for any temporary variables created.
var MyCallbackFunc = MyCallback
func Example() {
func main() {
The output looks like this:
panic: runtime error: cgo argument has Go pointer to Go pointer
What is the proper way to do this today? Preferably without hacks like hiding pointer from the language by converting it into uintptr_t.