I have a solution (available on Git at this link) including one project (producing a DLL library) and a native unit test.
- Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 with VC++
- On Windows 10
The structure of my solution is the following:
| |--DelaunayTriangulatorTest.cpp
| |--DelaunayTriangulator.UnitTest.vcxproj
| |--DelaunayTriangulator.cpp
| |--DelaunayTriangulator.h
| |--DelaunayTriangulator.vcxproj
The project
My source project works and builds fine. It links some libs (AFAIK, they are basically static libraries) which are just some CGAL stuff I need as dependencies. It also runs fine.
If you have a look at the project, you will find that I link those .lib
files as part of Linker options:
The test project
The unit test project has been created by using the native test project walkthrough and template in Visual Studio. The test project is also linking the same .lib
files that the source project does. Following is the single test I have:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CppUnitTest.h"
#include "../DelaunayTriangulator/DelaunayTriangulator.h"
using namespace Microsoft::VisualStudio::CppUnitTestFramework;
using namespace CodeAlive::Triangulation;
namespace TriangulatorUnitTest {
TEST_CLASS(DelaunayTriangulatorTest) {
TEST_METHOD(PerformTriangulation) {
DelaunayTriangulator* triangulator = new DelaunayTriangulator();
int result = triangulator->Perform();
Assert::AreEqual<int>(0, result, L"Wrong result", LINE_INFO());
delete triangulator;
}; // class
} // ns
Before I linked those .lib
files from CGAL, the project did build but did NOT run at all, showing this error message:
Message: Failed to set up the execution context to run the test
The error
As soon as I added the .lib
files, the project did build and the single unit test did run only if I left the Assert
line uncommented (I had to comment all the code referencing my source project):
TEST_CLASS(DelaunayTriangulatorTest) {
TEST_METHOD(PerformTriangulation) {
Assert::AreEqual<int>(0, 0, L"Wrong result", LINE_INFO());
When I uncomment the code referencing my project (using the classes I define in my source project), then the same error message shows up when I try running the test:
TEST_CLASS(DelaunayTriangulatorTest) {
TEST_METHOD(PerformTriangulation) {
DelaunayTriangulator* triangulator = new DelaunayTriangulator();
int result = triangulator->Perform();
Assert::AreEqual<int>(0, result, L"Wrong result", LINE_INFO());
delete triangulator;
I understand that this is due to some kind of issue with external references. What is wrong here?