I have a currently empty Geodjango app set up - I am connected to my Postgis database in which I have a table named aadf that I am attempting to create a model from. I am using inspectdb to do this.
I get the following error message:
from django.contrib.gis.db import models
# Unable to inspect table 'aadf'
# The error was: sequence index must be integer, not 'slice'
# Unable to inspect table 'auth_group'
# The error was: sequence index must be integer, not 'slice'
# Unable to inspect table 'auth_group_permissions'
# The error was: sequence index must be integer, not 'slice'
** This error message repeats for multiple other tables that Django has created **
The connection to the database evidently seems fine as it is able to pick up the relevant table name. That said, it also seems to be trying to inspect the other tables Django has created in the database such as 'auth_group' and 'auth_group_permissions'.