I have a sheet that I put outside a foreach loop . When I click on Tapgesture the first time the results are blank, after the first time I get the correct data for every row I tap . I have read Sheet inside ForEach doesn't loop over items SwiftUI but it is still not working this is my code . If you look at my code I have a state variable called sharePost which on tap gets the value of value.post then the shareSheet toggle gets set to true . For some reason I can not get the value on very first tap . Does anyone have any suggestions on fixing this issue
struct TimeLineView: View {
@Binding var model: [MainModel]
@Binding var isMainView: MainViewEnum
@State var shareSheet = false
@State var PostIDState = 0
@State var sharePost = ""
var body: some View {
let result = model.sorted {
$0.id! > $1.id!
ForEach(result) { value in
HStack {
.frame(width: 28, height: 28)
.onTapGesture {
sharePost = value.post
}.sheet(isPresented: $shareSheet)
ShareView(message:"\(sharePost)" )