I'm trying to write a custom error message for zod validation.
This is my schema object, which I passed in the error message.
const schema: ZodType<FormData> = z.object({
firstName: z.string().nonempty(),
lastName: z.string().nonempty(),
email: z.string().email().min(5).nonempty(),
pin: z.string( { invalid_type_error: "Must contain 4 digitsss "}).nonempty().min(4, "Must be 4 digits").max(4, "Must be 4 digits").regex(pinPattern),
phoneNumber: z.string().nonempty().min(11),
password: z.string().min(8).regex(Passwordregex).nonempty(),
confirmPassword: z.string().min(8).nonempty(),
}).refine(data => data.password === data.confirmPassword, {
message: "Passwords don't match",
path: ['confirmPassword']
I've tried the string replace method, but I'm not getting my desired result.
<span className='text-xs font-medium text-[#DC2626]'>{errors.firstName.message?.replace('String', 'First Name')}</}