I have a spring data JPA repository (on a postgres db) and from time to time I need to use native queries using the nativeQuery = true option.
However in my current situation I need to pass in an order field and am doing so like this:
the call..
targetStatusHistoryRepository.findSirenAlarmTimeActivation([uuid,uuid2],"activation_name DESC", 0, 10)
.. the repo method
nativeQuery = true,
value = """select
a.name as activation_name,
avg(transition_from_active_in_millis) from target_status_history t, activation_scenario a
where t.activation_uuid=a.activation_scenario_id and t.transition_from_active_in_millis > 0 and t.activation_uuid in (:activationUUIDs) group by a.name,t.activation_uuid
order by :orderClause offset :offset limit :limit """
List<Object[]> findSirenAlarmTimeActivation(@Param("activationUUIDs") List<UUID> activationUUIDs,
@Param("orderClause") String orderClause, @Param("offset") int offset, @Param("limit") int limit )
I wrote a unit test with a DESC and then a ASC call and vice versa, and it seems what ever the first call is, the second gives the same result.