I'm using: https://github.com/mumrah/kafka-python as a kafka api in Python. I want to get the number of partitions for a specified topic. How do I do that?
Kafka-python get number of partitions for topic
Asked Answered
Might be a slightly simplistic solution, but:
from kafka import KafkaClient
client = KafkaClient('SERVER:PORT')
topic_partition_ids = client.get_partition_ids_for_topic(b'TOPIC')
tested on Python 3.4.3 / kafka-python 0.9.3
consider adding: a = len(topic_partition_ids) print(topic_partition_ids) print(a) –
this has been deprecated, try using "partitions_for_topic": kafka-python.readthedocs.io/en/master/apidoc/… –
As suggested by @Corned try to use : client.cluster.partitions_for_topic(topic) –
For those of you using Confluent-Python or the enterprise API. This can be done this way:
cluster_data: ClusterMetadata = producer.list_topics(topic=TOPIC)
topic_data: TopicMetadata = cluster_data.topics[TOPIC]
available_partitions: PartitionMetadata = topic_data.partitions
print("Count of partitions:", len(available_partitions))
I found this question while trying to solve this exact same problem. I know the question is old, but here is the solution I came up with (using Kazoo to talk to zookeeper):
from kazoo.client import KazooClient
class KafkaInfo(object):
def __init__(self, hosts):
self.zk = KazooClient(hosts)
def topics(self):
return self.zk.get_children('/brokers/topics')
def partitions(self, topic):
strs = self.zk.get_children('/brokers/topics/%s/partitions' % topic)
return map(int, strs)
def consumers(self):
return self.zk.get_children('/consumers')
def topics_for_consumer(self, consumer):
return self.zk.get_children('/consumers/%s/offsets' % consumer)
def offset(self, topic, consumer, partition):
(n, _) = self.zk.get('/consumers/%s/offsets/%s/%d' % (consumer, topic, partition))
return int(n)
Python 3.8.10/kafka-python 2.0.2 Solution:
from kafka import KafkaConsumer
def get_partitions_number(server, topic):
consumer = KafkaConsumer(
partitions = consumer.partitions_for_topic(topic)
return len(partitions)
from kafka import KafkaConsumer, TopicPartition
bootstrap_servers = "your_server"
topic = "your_topic"
consumer = KafkaConsumer(
api_version=(1, 10, 1),
consumer.assign([TopicPartition(topic, 0)])
number_of_partitions = len(consumer.partitions_for_topic(topic))
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