You can get all merged cells from worksheet, hence
you can find the merged range a specific cell belongs to using the following:
public string GetMergedRange(ExcelWorksheet worksheet, string cellAddress)
ExcelWorksheet.MergeCellsCollection mergedCells = worksheet.MergedCells;
foreach (var merged in mergedCells)
ExcelRange range = worksheet.Cells[merged];
ExcelCellAddress cell = new ExcelCellAddress(cellAddress);
if (range.Start.Row<=cell.Row && range.Start.Column <= cell.Column)
if (range.End.Row >= cell.Row && range.End.Column >= cell.Column)
return merged.ToString();
return "";
Turns out that there is a much easier way using EPPLUS, just do the following:
var mergedadress = worksheet.MergedCells[row, column];
For example, if B1 is in a merged range "A1:C1":
var mergedadress = worksheet.MergedCells[1, 2]; //value of mergedadress will be "A1:C1".
2 is the column number because B is the 2nd column.
is just a string so.Contains(cellAddress)
checks if "B1" is a substring of "A1:C3" (which it's not) so returns an empty string whereas we would like it to return "A1:C3" – Illene