Ther best way to communicate with S7-1200 PLC cpu's is with OPC UA or Classic OPC (ommonly known as OPC DA. ) Libnodave is made for S7-300 and S7-400 not for S71200 (2.x firmware).
If you use a third party solution to communicate with S7-1200 (or S7-1500) you have to decrease the security level at the PLC by allowing the put and get mechanism. Put and get are pure evil to use. You open the memory of the CPU for every process. Don’t use them anymore. Siemens should actually block this.
This applies for all firmware release for S7-1200.
Siemens pushes people you use OPC UA as default communication from PLC. What makes sense, because OPC UA is the protocol for industry 4.0 and IIoT.
Edit: rewrite everything. Info was heavily outdated.
If you use a firmware 2 or 3 1200, consider replacement or upgrade. These versions are no longer supported and contains the worm issue.