I've got a project in which I'm using Java+Scala+Slick2D.
The project itself runs well when launched from within eclipse. But when I try to make a jar file, it just refuses to work. Here's the error I keep getting when trying to export it as a Runnable jar:
And if I try to export into just a Jar file, it's unable to find the Main Class:
There is, of course, a main class in game.TicTacGame. But it refuses to acknowledge it. I tried creating an executable with a simple Hello World project and it worked fine. It even detects the main class. Why is Eclipse not detecting the main class in this case?
PS: I've also tried extracting the .jar file created, editing the manifest.mf file to add the Main-Class: game.TicTacGame, enter two new lines and recreate the jar. Then it gives me a corrupted jar file error.
I'm at my wits end and would appreciate any help in this regard. I'm using Windows 7 x64 with Eclipse Juno, Java 1.7 and Scala 2.10
Edit: The Main class is in Java