WebSQL and IndexedDB are both DB API for accessing (CRUD) the underlying embedded database in the web browser. Which, if I am correct, is like SQL for accessing (CRUD) any client-server database like Oracle etc. (in many case support for both WebSQL and IndexedDB is available on same browser)
- So, does it mean that both WebSQL and IndexedDB are accessing (CRUD) the same underlying embedded database and if that it the case then it will have same performance on all web browsers!
- But I think that is not the case, so does it mean that a web browser will have more than one underlying embedded database? And why there should be 2 underlying embedded database in same browser?
And since WebSQL and IndexedDB are API's, so it means that it not entirely correct to say performance of WebSQL and IndexedDB (because they are more like query/access language), but it significantly depends upon the performance of underlying embedded database. And, as per Google, LevelDB is faster than SQLite
- Is it correct to say that significantly it is not the performance difference between WebSQL and IndexedDB, but performance of underlying embedded database?
- What are the underlying embedded database for IE, Chrome, Android browser? I couldn't find this information on web, has anybody found or compiled it ever?
but they differ vastly in how the underlying database is constructed and how they perform.
Could you please throw light on this. You mean IndxedDB and WebSQL construct their own database in browser at runtime? – Shallop