You can use a user-defined function. My example dataframe differs a bit from yours, but the code should work fine:
import pandas as pd
from pyspark.sql.types import *
#example df
df=sqlContext.createDataFrame(pd.DataFrame(data=[[["hello", "world"],
["world"]],[["sample", "overflow", "text"], ["sample", "text"]]], columns=["A", "B"]))
# define udf
differencer=udf(lambda x,y: list(set(x)-set(y)), ArrayType(StringType()))
df=df.withColumn('difference', differencer('A', 'B'))
This does not work if there are duplicates as set retains only uniques. So you can amend the udf as follows:
differencer=udf(lambda x,y: [elt for elt in x if elt not in y] ), ArrayType(StringType()))