I'm listing registered users on a ListView
page and I'm trying to show if user is superuser or not.
My main user is created with python manage.py createsuperuser
command and I'm sure it is a superuser beacuse I've checked from admin panel too.
When I try to print if it is superuser or not my code always shows a False
output. Here are my codes:
@method_decorator(staff_member_required, name='dispatch')
class Uyeler(ListView):
model = User
paginate_by = 40
ordering = ['-pk']
template_name = "panel/uyeler.html"
and in template file:
{% for obj in object_list %}
{% if obj.is_superuser %}
{% else %}
Not SuperUser {{ obj.is_superuser }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
And my html output is "Not SuperUser False" for all users including my superuser account. Any ideas?