How to securely use delimited values from a string in an SQL query's WHERE IN condition? [duplicate]
Asked Answered



I have a form which is a select multiple input which POSTs values like this: option1,option2,option3 etc..

How is the best way to convert this to 'option1','option2','option3' etc...

Currenty I'm doing this, but it feels wrong??

$variable = explode(",", $variable);
$variable = implode("','", $variable);

The reason why I'm doing this is because I want to use the form select multiple inputs in a SQL Query using IN.

SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE some_column IN ('$variable')
Highoctane answered 7/10, 2012 at 20:29 Comment(8)
How does that even work out to put the first and the last '? Or do you put it in some code you don't show?Bybidder
I edited the SQL statement where I added the quotation marks to the variable.Highoctane
Don't build up query strings like this. Use PDO.Reubenreuchlin
meagar, why not? why is PDO better?Highoctane
You might be better of with FIND_IN_SET() then, escaping-wise.Rescissory
Mario, how could I use this? I'm not interested in the position of the value?Highoctane
If your csv file has a column with data "Hey, Chuck Norris" and it really meant to be a single cell, your script makes it a mess.Idellaidelle
How are you getting the PHP code to comma-delimit the incoming selected values? What's your HTML?Scotia

You can wrap whatever code in a function to make the "feels wrong" feeling disapear. E.g.:

function buildSqlInClauseFromCsv($csv)
        return "in ('" . str_replace(",", "','", $csv) . "') ";
Gutturalize answered 7/10, 2012 at 20:48 Comment(1)
What I mean by "feels wrong" is that there might be a bitter way :) Do you think this function will do it faster?Highoctane

If $variable = "option1,option2,option3"

you can use:

"SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE FIND_IN_SET(some_column, '$variable')"

Scarabaeus answered 28/6, 2016 at 3:42 Comment(2)
How to use NOT IN SET?D
Kiran Reddy: SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE NOT FIND_IN_SET(some_column, '$variable')Scarabaeus

we know that implode converts array to string,we need to provide the separator and then array as shown below, here we have (coma ,) as a separator. Implode breaks each element of an array with the given separator,I have conceited '(single quotes) with the separator.

 $arr = array();
    $arr[] = "raam"; 
    $arr[] = "laxman"; 
    $arr[] = "Bharat"; 
    $arr[] = "Arjun"; 
    $arr[] = "Dhavel"; 

    $str = "'".implode("','", $arr)."'";
    echo $str;

output: 'raam','laxman','Bharat','Arjun','Dhavel'

Worley answered 4/3, 2015 at 6:41 Comment(1)
While this may answer the question it’s always a good idea to put some text in your answer to explain what you're doing. Read how to write a good answer.Yoruba

Here is what I used:

WHERE  column IN ('".str_replace(",", "','", $_GET[stringlist])."')
Eratosthenes answered 7/4, 2014 at 1:30 Comment(2)
Great. why implode explode, if you can do it in one line.Heall
love it. very simple solution.Shortstop

There is only one correct way to escape strings for SQL - use the function provided by the database api to escape strings for SQL. While mysyl_* provides mysql_real_escape_string():

$choices = explode(",", $variable);

foreach($choices as &$choice)
    $choice = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($choice)."'";

$choices = implode(",", $choices);

PDO provides a method that will add quotes at the same time:

$choices = explode(",", $variable);

foreach($choices as &$choice)
    $choice = $pdoDb->quote($choice);

$choices = implode(",", $choices);

Note that PDO::prepare doesn't really work here

Smutty answered 7/10, 2012 at 20:57 Comment(3)
that is good practice, but unfortunately is not an answer to the question that was asked.Pernik
@Hammerite: Not recommending - the question implies the asker is already using it.Smutty
@Asad: I was under the impression it added quotes for you. Edited to use the PDO version, which does.Smutty

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