I'm using the following code to produce 2 lists, nameList and gradeList.
for row in soup.find_all('tr'):
name = row.select('th strong')
grade = row.select('td label')
if grade and name:
if "/" in grade[0].text:
nameShort = re.sub(r'^(.{20}).*$', '\g<1>...', str(name[0].text))
Producing something like:
nameList = [“grade 1”,”grade 2222222222”,”grade 3”]
gradeList = [“1/1”,”2/2”,”100000/100000”]
I want the program to print the lists in 2 clean columns, side by side. Within each column, I want the data to align to the left. The lists (without fail) will always be evenly populated. The first column (nameList) will never be longer than 25 characters. What I am looking for would be similar to the following:
Assignment Grade
0 grade 1 1/1
1 grade 2222222222 2/2
2 grade 3 100000/100000
I've tried to use pandas and it worked, but the formatting was weird and out of place. It wouldn't align to the left like I want. I believe this happened because the data each has a different character length in both lists (shown above).