I've searched but cannot find the answer to "When" to use them. I just keep hearing that it's good because it saves me that extra copy. I went around putting it in every class I had but some how that didn't seem to make sense for some classes :S I've read countless tutorials on LValues and RValues and std::move vs. std::copy vs. memcpy vs. memmove, etc. And even read up on throw() but I'm not sure on when to use that either.
My code looks like:
struct Point
int X, Y;
Point(int x, int y);
//All my other operators here..
Then I have a class array of that like(RAII sorta thing):
class PA
std::vector<Point> PointsList;
//Variadic Template constructor here..
//Operators here..
Should I be using a move constructor and copy constructor? I had it in the Point Class but it felt weird so I removed it. Then I had it in the PA class but I thought that it won't do anything much so I removed it too. Then in my bitmaps class my compiler was complaining about having pointer members but no overload so I did:
//Copy Con:
BMPS::BMPS(const BMPS& Bmp) : Bytes(((Bmp.width * Bmp.height) != 0) ? new RGB[Bmp.width * Bmp.height] : nullptr), width(Bmp.width), height(Bmp.height), size(Bmp.size), DC(0), Image(0)
std::copy(Bmp.Bytes, Bmp.Bytes + (width * height), Bytes);
BMInfo = Bmp.BMInfo;
bFHeader = Bmp.bFHeader;
//Move Con:
BMPS::BMPS(BMPS&& Bmp) : Bytes(nullptr), width(Bmp.width), height(Bmp.height), size(Bmp.size), DC(0), Image(0)
Bmp.Bytes = nullptr;
BMPS& BMPS::operator = (BMPS Bmp)
return *this;
//Not sure if I need Copy Assignment?
//Move Assignment:
BMPS& BMPS::operator = (BMPS&& Bmp)
return *this;
//Swap function (Member vs. Non-member?)
void BMPS::Swap(BMPS& Bmp) //throw()
//I was told I should put using std::swap instead here.. for some ADL thing.
//But I always learned that using is bad in headers.
std::swap(Bytes, Bmp.Bytes);
std::swap(BMInfo, Bmp.BMInfo);
std::swap(width, Bmp.width);
std::swap(height, Bmp.height);
std::swap(size, Bmp.size);
std::swap(bFHeader, Bmp.bFHeader);
Is this correct? Did I do something bad or wrong? Do I need throw()? Should my assignment and move assignment operators actually be the same like that? Do I need a copy assignment? Ahh so many questions :c The last forum I asked on could not answer all so I was left confused. Finally should I use unique_ptr for Bytes? (Which is an array of bytes/pixels.)