I need to normalize a vector of N integers so that:
- Each value is proportional to its original value (the value will be between 0 and 1)
- The sum of all values is =1
For instance:
If I have a vector
V = [2,2,1,0]
the normalized vector should should be:
V_norm = [0.4,0.4,0.2,0] % 0.4+0.4+0.2 = 1
I tried with many solutions found in this community and on the web and finally I did it with this code:
part = norm(V);
if part > 0
V_norm = V/part;
else % part = 0 --> avoid "divide by 0"
V_norm = part;
The problem this works if:
- all elements of array are "0" --> resultant array doesn't change
- only one element of the array is >0 and all other elements are = 0 --> resultant array: the element >0 is 1 and the other 0
but if I have a different case,although the result is proportional,the sum is not 0. For instance:
V = [1,0,1]
V_norm = [0.74,0,0.74]
V = [1,1,1]
V_norm = [0.54,0.54,0.54]
(I'm not sure if the number are correct because I can't use Matlab right now but I'm sure the sum is > 1 )
Ahy hint?
Thank you in advance