I am working with OpenID Connect in my application, i got the JWT token correctly from Google and I need to validate it using Signature. To achieve this i need the public key, Google provide an URL which contains all its public certificate.
but it returns this :
"keys": [
"kty": "RSA",
"alg": "RS256",
"use": "sig",
"kid": "f86c80f329b3ac69232463382fc1644167211d23",
"n": "wItpB2JpNKNgBM-xjgFbMGLYySu0SvaSA8Ag_MpqWrlWOvWvd3JQFrNKdw1nCGrGSczP6FdCRptogSEO51UB3n1h2quH-YW3NPGt0JGqXdRARJ1I1cOVq3dvrPaZhtDcEQCBAdqEmix_ngQM5vD1t8J22JO_v_JzJlTkzfYu5dPeSoXZymtgGeofdu38L1y-FlFqD09p6IP6Fxza22cv3ST3Dsw3eQ1yzGi5YuO0scTpds0jqPAslddclo22zapqB1_6qplwunpT3qAuObYR5Xn3gPseyQiwDtIk7MpEkb_AA_r4bpUGIh9-1SX3ev8urVZJ1Sg1Y_Rr-u7oQO9pdQ",
"e": "AQAB"
what does this mean ? where is the public key or the certificate here?
Thanks for your Help !