I have been following the facebook bot setup guide and have setup a callback url that is running on an EC2 instance.
I am getting an error (see title of this) when trying to validate the callback url and verify token.
https://360.finance:1337/webhook is my webhook and the verify token is the same in my environment variable and in my facebook setting.
I set up SSL using LetsEncrypt and from what I can tell, the SSL is not showing as self signed so it looks to be working correctly (please note I'm new to all of this)
Checked at https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=360.finance&hideResults=on and all looks correct.
I have also included the facebook page token as an environment variable and included in my index.js file
I have tested netcat / telnet into that port on my ec2 ip and it is succeeding