I'm facing this error when building a project (Angular 8). How can we fix this error?
You must provide the URL of lib/mappings.wasm by calling SourceMapConsumer.initialize({ 'lib/mappings.wasm': ... }) before using SourceMapConsumer
I'm facing this error when building a project (Angular 8). How can we fix this error?
You must provide the URL of lib/mappings.wasm by calling SourceMapConsumer.initialize({ 'lib/mappings.wasm': ... }) before using SourceMapConsumer
$env:NODE_OPTIONS = "--no-experimental-fetch"
Run this command in Visual Studio Code in power shell, this will fix the problem ISA.
I get the same problem when building a ts-project.
For me the cause was the source-map package release 0.7.3 This version of the source-map package detects the environment by looking for the "fetch" function. Since the fetch function is available in Node.js version 18, sourcemap thinks it is running in a browser (and throws the error)
This is fixed in source-map version 0.7.4.
[edited 2024 April 8th]
The solutions proposed by nuander and Mohammed Osman will probably work to some extend, depending on your project.
Since I am working on a big project where I do not know the impact of an npm update, I implemented this work-around:
Add an overrides field to your package.json:
"source-map": "0.7.4"
Where foo is the package dependent on the fault source-map package.
This solved it for me.
NB: the resolutions field is only supported in npm version 8.3.0 or higher. If you are using an earlier version of npm, the overrides field will be ignored.
[edited 2024 April 8th]
As stated by J Gallardo in the comments: It is better to fix the problem, which can differ from project to project. But due to dependencies on (legacy) packages this can be a very time-consuming. We are updating the full project step-by step to the latest Node/NPM in order to fix it.
and it still produces this error. –
Photothermic npm install source-map
updating source-map solved the problem for me on apple m1 Mac
My internet research lead to indications that this is an issue in newer versions of node. Setting NODE_OPTIONS as suggested did not help. Downgrading to an earlier version fixed this for me.
and succeeded when I switched to 17.9.1. That's enough major versions back it will be less viable of an option in the future but for running a tool by itself it was fine for me. –
Divert -Node version: 16.20.2
-package.json "start": "craco --openssl-legacy-provider start ", "build": "craco build",
I have used Node version 18, then, this error happens. So, I have installed NVM and I have installed Node 16.20.2. Successfully build the project.
Thanks a lot
export NODE_OPTIONS="--openssl-legacy-provider --no-experimental-fetch"
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npm update
. – Wits