I'm setting up TFS 2015 on-prem and I'm having an issue on my last build step, Publish Build Artifacts. For some reason, the build agent appears to be archiving old binaries and I'm left with a huge filepath:
I'm copying the files using the example minimatch pattern to begin with:
I'm only testing at the moment so this is not a permanent solution but how can I copy all binaries that are in a bin folder but not a descendant of obj?
From research I think that this should work, but it doesn't (It doesn't match anything):
I'm using www.globtester.com to test. Any suggestions?
On a separate note, I'll look into the archiving issue later but if anyone has any pointers on it, feel free to comment. Thanks
on the msbuild commandline, which will trigger an incremental build, which is faster, but can leave old bits around. – Deluna$(Build.ArtifactsStagingDirecotry)
, that folder will be cleared automatically after each build. See: msdn.microsoft.com/Library/vs/alm/Build/scripts/variables – Deluna