As I've read in the past, here's what I believe each term stands for
Here you are stubbing the result of a method to a known value, just to let the code run without issues. For example, let's say you had the following:
public int CalculateDiskSize(string networkShareName)
// This method does things on a network drive.
You don't care what the return value of this method is, it's not relevant. Plus it could cause an exception when executed if the network drive is not available. So you stub the result in order to avoid potential execution issues with the method.
So you end up doing something like:
sut.WhenCalled(() => sut.CalculateDiskSize()).Returns(10);
With a fake you are returning fake data, or creating a fake instance of an object. A classic example are repository classes. Take this method:
public int CalculateTotalSalary(IList<Employee> employees) { }
Normally the above method would be passed a collection of employees that were read from a database. However in your unit tests you don't want to access a database. So you create a fake employees list:
IList<Employee> fakeEmployees = new List<Employee>();
You can then add items to fakeEmployees
and assert the expected results, in this case the total salary.
When using mock objects you intend to verify some behaviour, or data, on those mock objects. Example:
You want to verify that a specific method was executed during a test run, here's a generic example using Moq mocking framework:
public void Test()
// Arrange.
var mock = new Mock<ISomething>();
mock.Expect(m => m.MethodToCheckIfCalled()).Verifiable();
var sut = new ThingToTest();
// Act.
// Assert
mock.Verify(m => m.MethodToCheckIfCalled());
Hopefully the above helps clarify things a bit.
Roy Osherove is a well-known advocate of Test Driven Development, and he has some excellent information on the topic. You may find it very useful :