Using InstallShield 2012 Professional to install a ASP.NET website, and a custom app pool running in securitry context of a network service account. When I test the website, I encounter a permissions issue (file permissions), and the website fails with the message "Error: Access is Denied.".
Using InstallShield, I set permissions to each file for read access to the user "Authenticated Users". I set the permissions within the InstallShield ISM file by navigating to "Application Data" -> "Files and Folders"
- Select each folder in the "Destination computer's folders"
- Right-click each folder in the "Destination computer's folders"
- Select context menu "Properties"
- Click button "Permissions"
- Add entry in "Name(s):" section for user "Authenticated Users", and domain is blank (select "Read & Execute", "List Folder Contents", "Read")
... then perform this action over and over again for each folder, then for each file.
Once I test, I find I have the problem. If I navigate to the actual files installed on the server and review, they appear correct, but do not function correctly. Infact, I - as a Authenticated User - do not have permissions to navigate the folder structure, but because I am an admin I can tweak the permissions and get in. If I manually reset these permissions on each of these files (and related folders) the website functions correctly. This means the app pool setup, the file copy, and the network service account are all functioning correctly, and the problem is strictly related to the permissions on the files IIS is trying to access.
Has anyone had this problem, and overcome it? If so, how? (I would prefer to avoid using InstallScript to set permissions.)