I need to add 2 third party jar's to
it and 2 licence files in a
jdk/jre/bin location.
You should not be adding anything to that directory. Third party JARs and license files that need to go along with your executable JAR belong with your project.
If your .java files are in a /src directory, create a /lib directory and put the 3rd party JARs and license files into it. Add them to your NetBeans CLASSPATH so your code will compile and run.
When you're ready to create your executable JAR, make sure you create a META-INF/manifest.mf file that points to your main class and adds these JARs to its classpath.
If that works, you'll have one more step to deploy. You'll have to ZIP up your executable JAR and the 3rd party libraries so your clients can unpack everything they need to run.