<PolarRadiusAxis axisLine={true} tick={true} tickCount={6} />
<button onClick={handleDownload}>Save Chart</button>
The Chart component receives the data prop, which represents the data to be displayed in the Recharts chart.
The handleDownload function is triggered when the "Download Chart" button is clicked.
Inside the handleDownload function:
The chart container element is obtained using document.getElementsByClassName("recharts-wrapper")[0].
The SVG content of the chart is extracted by selecting the first SVG element within the chart container.
The SVG content is serialized into a string using XMLSerializer().serializeToString(chartSvg).
An image element is created, and a blob is created from the SVG string using new Blob([chartXml], { type: "image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8" }).
A URL for the blob is created using URL.createObjectURL(svgBlob).
An onload event handler is attached to the image element, which ensures that the image is fully loaded before performing further actions.
Inside the onload event handler:
A canvas element is created with the same dimensions as the chart container.
The image is drawn onto the canvas using context.drawImage(image, 0, 0).
The canvas is converted to a data URL using canvas.toDataURL("image/png").
A temporary link element is created with the data URL as its href and "chart.png" as the download attribute value.
The link element is clicked programmatically using link.click(), triggering the download of the binary file.
The Chart component renders a responsive container with a Recharts LineChart inside it. The chart is configured with the provided data, and various components such as Line, CartesianGrid, XAxis, YAxis, Tooltip, and Legend are added as needed.
The rendered chart is enclosed within a element with a fixed height of 300px.
A "Download Chart" button is rendered below the chart, and the handleDownload function is attached to its onClick event.
here? – Ragtime